I never joined a religion. I was compelled to be a part of one from birth by my parents. My baptism was not a choice, it was compulsory if I wanted a happy family life. Studies show that children generally follow the faith beliefs of parents.
Fortunately I was part of a religion where youth frequently leave the religion.
I was atheist since birth. There is no other explanation. I never believed. Ever.
Like Hawking my inquiries were my devotion, inquiries into all religions and religious books to validate my gut feelings. I wasn’t disappointed.
Am I gambling with my life? Should I safely claim agnosticism? No. I live, I attempt to do good for myself and others, not out of fear or for some devine reward, I am at total peace that when I die that is it.
The gamble has already been made. I was one of a billion sperm to reach the egg. I won the lottery. Everything else is gravy.